We should be empowering women everyday, but how?


In today’s article it is all about empowering women

So many amazing,

beautiful and smart women in this world, but yet we find ways to bring them down instead of empowering them why is that? Simple answer would be our society, they teach us that other women are our competition, and it is far from the truth. We are taught that we can’t let them be better than us, so what we do is bring them down! And it is so wrong to do. Society loves to bring us down, so this is the way to do it. They can’t handle women sticking to each other that is very powerful. They feel the need to put us into place, and the only way to do it is to bring us down.

You don’t see men

putting each other down. Society is fine with men being out of control, and having all the power, so they don’t teach men to bring each other down. But if men are not each other’s competition that means also women are not each other’s competition, and the only reason we think this way is because society got into out head, but it is all good I am here to fix that.

empowering women human

You may ask why other women

are not your competition? Well other human can’t be your competition, because we all different, and we all have different unique qualities. Especially woman can’t be a competition to another women, because we all know how hard it is to be a woman, we are not being appreciated or being treated well, so we are in this together. One woman’s success means success to all of us, it shows the world women can be successful too. So women can’t be each other competition we are here to support each other, and fight for what we deserve.

Empowering women is not just about making these women feel good, but also making the bond stronger and making female gender stronger. So here are view ways we all can empower each other:


-Compliment her soul and mind not only body:

We women are seen as object, that are suppose to look good, but they don’t see us as someone, who has brain, so if you compliment her about her mind it can really be empowering to her.

-Support her ideas:

Women’s ideas are always being shut down, so they don’t have the power, therefore support her ideas however crazy it sounds. If she wants to start a business support her, and offer to help her.

-Support women owned businesses:

Like previous one it is also important to support women you don’t know, and their businesses. So if you are looking to shop online see if you can find woman owned business for that. Support your sisters

empowering women support


-She doesn’t have to justify her actions:

Women are always judged for their action for like no reason. So make sure you tell her when she is justifying her action that there is no need for that. Whatever she did is 100% acceptable unless she was mean to someone.

-Compliment women you don’t know:

I always love complimenting women I see in toilette, it is very empowering. If you see a woman wearing something you like or just looking beautiful let her know I am sure it will make her smile.

-Ask your female colleague for advice:

Less women are being asked for advice in workspace, so make sure you ask your female colleague for advice instead of your male colleague. Also make sure you let her know you value her opinion, and knowledge this will very much empower her.

-Thank women in your life for what they do for you:

Is it friend who is always there for you, is it your mother who always cleans and cooks for you or is it your aunt who is hard worker and still makes time to see you thank all of them, and make sure they know you value them and the what they do for you.

empowering women quote

-There should be no place for judgement when it comes to sex:

When you talk to your female friends about sex make sure you are listening to them, and whatever they are saying you are not judging. If she wants to sleep with many guys support her, if she has weird fantasies be okay with that and let her know it is normal. Make sure they can openly talk to you about sex, because we women can’t really openly talk about sex without being judged. So being open and not judgement is very empowering.

-Never say anything bad about a woman:

Doesn’t matter if you don’t know her or you do please stop talking bad about any woman. Doesn’t matter if she can hear you or not don’t do it. If you don’t say anything bad about her it will empower her even if she can’t hear you, and it will also empower you.

You lose all the power when you bring others down, and when you empower others you gain more power. So what do you want to have more or less power?

These are just view ways you can empower other women, but there are many more ways. I guess main thing is to make other women feel good, and make them feel they have place in this world. Making them feel they have more to offer than just their beauty. We all have something special so let’s bring that out, and show the world our real beauty. Let’s support and love each other, because this way we will be raising our power too.

Comment down below what you like about another woman, and compliment each other in comments. Let’s spread positivity

Reminder: Your needs are important, and you should get them for free!

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x.o Nakedlydressed